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People of LiveRamp – Andrew McVeigh

  • 1 min read

Andrew McVeigh is the Chief Architect at LiveRamp, and is an experienced technical leader & architect, with a background in many different languages, platforms and technologies. Andrew has worked successfully at the highest level across a number of domains including gaming, investment banking, digital broadcasting, speech research and telecoms. Andrew enjoys solving challenging problems in any domain. His self-divulged “sweet spot" is designing elegant architectures that enable systems to scale for both users and developers. Before LiveRamp, Andrew was the VP of Architecture at Hulu. Andrew has a PhD in software engineering from the Imperial College in London, and a master’s degree in electronics engineering from the University of Western Australia.

Check out his “People of LiveRamp” Video:

If you’re interested in more of Andrew’s work, take a look at these blog entries:

Additionally, you can view the rest of the “People of LiveRamp” videos here. After watching, if LiveRamp sounds like a team you’d like to join, we’d love to have you! Check out our current job openings.